
Safety, safety, safety...

Where does the collected data go?

Currently, all anonymously collected data is stored locally. The analyses and results prepared by Lauren from this data are strictly shared among our members, preserving and encrypting them for security.

How long do we retain temporarily collected data, i.e., the data we receive for non-analytical purposes?

We consider accident-recorded information, shared private matters, or conversations as temporary data. We typically retain these for an average of 24 hours, and they can be kept for a maximum of 1 week upon request from legal or other external influences.

Who can view the analyzed data?

The analyzed data, once processed and finalized by Lauren, is disseminated within our organization. It is securely stored on our internal servers, with access strictly limited to authorized members. The distribution of such data is conducted through encrypted channels to ensure its confidentiality and security. This measure ensures that only those within the organization who require the information for their work can view it, maintaining privacy and security at all times.

User Data Accessibility

For an average user, the ability to directly view or access their own data is not provided. Instead, our system is designed to ensure maximum privacy and security, encapsulating individual data from direct user interaction. Users curious about the types of data collected or wanting to gain insights into their data contributions have an alternative avenue for information.

Data Recap by Lauren

Upon request, Lauren can provide users with a recap of their data that has been processed. This service enables users to understand how their data is being used within our organization without compromising the integrity and security of the stored data. Lauren's role includes ensuring that any information shared back to users maintains our strict guidelines for privacy and confidentiality. This process allows users to request an overview of their data's impact and usage within our research or operational frameworks, without directly accessing the raw or analyzed data themselves.

Deep Search is a specialized feature available exclusively to our members. This powerful tool grants the ability to conduct comprehensive searches within our database, encompassing both raw and analyzed data. However, it is designed with privacy and respect at its core.

How Does Deep Search Work?

  • Member Consent: A crucial prerequisite for utilizing Deep Search is obtaining explicit permission from the member whose data is being searched. This ensures that privacy is maintained and that searches are performed ethically.

  • Scope of Search: Once permission is granted, the searching member can access both raw and analyzed data related to the consenting member. This level of access is instrumental for in-depth research or collaboration within our organization.

  1. Request Permission: Before initiating a Deep Search, ensure you have written or verbal consent from the member whose data you wish to access.

  2. Purpose Limitation: Utilize Deep Search strictly for the agreed-upon purposes. Abstain from using the acquired data for any activities outside the consent scope.

  3. Privacy Protection: Treat all data accessed through Deep Search with the highest confidentiality. Do not share or disclose any findings without explicit approval from the concerned member.

Monitoring and Compliance

To uphold the integrity of the Deep Search functionality, our security team regularly monitors its usage. Any misuse or violation of the set guidelines will result in immediate revocation of Deep Search privileges and may lead to further disciplinary actions.

This functionality underscores our commitment to privacy, security, and collaborative advancement within our organization, ensuring that even the most profound insights can be shared responsibly.

Our responsibilities

Lauren handles the processing and analysis of data within our organization, ensuring that user data is used effectively and responsibly. If, however, Lauren makes an error in the data analysis or misses a data recap for a user, the following steps should be taken:

  • User Reporting: It is crucial for users to report any perceived mistakes or omissions in the data recaps or analysis as soon as they are noticed. This is the first step in initiating a review of the work done.

  • Investigation: Upon receiving a report, Lauren will conduct a thorough investigation into the reported issue, verifying the accuracy of the data analysis or recap provided.

  • Correction Measures: If an error is confirmed, Lauren will take immediate steps to correct the mistake. This may involve re-analyzing the data, providing an updated recap, or other specific actions to rectify the error.

Guidelines for Reporting Errors

  1. Prompt Reporting: Users should report any perceived errors as soon as possible to allow for timely corrections.

  2. Detail Provision: When reporting, please provide as many details as possible about the nature of the error. This will aid Lauren in quickly identifying and rectifying the mistake.

  3. Follow-up: Once a correction has been made, Lauren will follow up with the user to confirm that the issue has been resolved to their satisfaction.

Support in Case of Mistakes

While we strive for accuracy, we acknowledge that mistakes can happen. In cases of errors or omissions by Lauren:

  • We can offer support to correct the mistakes promptly.

  • While refunds are not available, our commitment remains to ensure the integrity of our data analysis process and to rectify any errors to our users' satisfaction.

Last updated