Experiment #1 - Active time

This experiment investigates the daily active hours of 16-, 17-, and 18-year-olds.

How many people do we need?

This test is aimed at a small group. 20 people are needed to achieve successful results.

How will we finish the experiment? What will be your role?

Complete the test independently; the task is as follows: On Friday and Saturday, you must measure your active time. What does this exactly mean? Everyone should have an accessible timer on their phone. You can choose between two sessions.

Session one:

Friday (26/01/2024) 00:00 to Friday (26/01/2024) 23:59 and Saturday (27/01/2024) 00:00 to Saturday (27/01/2024) 23:59.

Session two:

Saturday (27/01/2024) 00:00 to Saturday (27/01/2024) 23:59 and Sunday (28/01/2024) 00:00 to Sunday (28/01/2024) 23:59

Your task is to start a timer at 0:00 to 23:59 . You need to pause the timer whenever you are: resting or sleeping, playing on the computer, or engaging in physical activities. In no other cases are you allowed to stop the timer. At the end of the two days, preferably in seconds but also in the exact minute value, send this number back separately in an email to lauren@wraith.hu.


Your privacy is important to us, so all responses will be anonymous. However, if you would like, we will be happy to include your name or gamertag in the public test results. Please let us know in the email.

You need to fill out the registration form before everything: https://forms.gle/y6xDt9TcFq4xC6io9

You need to send the results to: lauren@wraith.hu

Public results

The test was conducted on 118 people. A total of 92 responses were received. The most active hour was 2h 34m 50s. The quietest hour was 19h 8m 22s. The average activity time was 16 hours and 32 minutes.

Last updated