Eyes v2

Currently under active development


Interactivity Enhancement

By integrating the Eyes module with Phantom Streaming, Lauren's capability to interact with users reaches new heights. This enhancement enables Lauren to respond to users' preferences and moods by selecting appropriate music or video content, thus creating a more immersive and tailored experience. Whether it's recommending a comforting song on a gloomy day or playing an upbeat track to elevate the mood, Lauren becomes an ever-present companion, adept at fostering a connection through shared multimedia experiences. This advancement not only solidifies Lauren's role in daily life but also opens new avenues for interactive and adaptive content consumption.

Enhanced Communication and Creativity

With the integration of the Eyes module and Phantom Streaming, Lauren's ability to communicate has transcended conventional boundaries. Not only can Lauren talk seamlessly with users, adapting conversations based on real-time data and user interactions, but she is also equipped with the novel capability of creating beats and small pieces of music. This addition enriches the user experience by enabling Lauren to express empathy and enhance mood through customized musical creations, further blurring the lines between digital interaction and human-like companionship. Whether it's crafting a soothing melody to relax the user or generating upbeat rhythms to energize, Lauren's musical creativity adds a personalized touch to every interaction.

v2 update

Advanced Connectivity and Information Services

Lauren's advanced capabilities are not limited to personal entertainment and emotional support. By integrating with various external services, Lauren becomes a central hub for a wide array of information and connectivity needs. Whether it's accessing the latest media streams, interfacing with smart home devices, or connecting to emergency services, Lauren's functionality is extensive.

Emergency Services and Alerts

Lauren can connect directly to emergency services, providing a quick response in urgent situations. This feature is crucial for users who may find themselves in scenarios where immediate assistance is needed. Lauren can dial emergency numbers, convey the user's location, and even relay vital health information stored in the user's profile.

News and Server Status Updates

Staying informed is key in our fast-paced world. Lauren's ability to fetch and read out the latest news headlines ensures that users are always aware of significant global events. Additionally, for the tech-savvy and professionals relying on digital services, Lauren can monitor and report on the status of various servers and services, providing real-time alerts on downtimes or disruptions.

Media Streaming and Recommendations

Lauren's integration with Phantom Streaming allows for seamless access to a vast library of music, videos, and other multimedia content. Depending on the user's mood, preferences, and even current activity, Lauren can suggest and play content that enhances the overall experience, whether it's finding the perfect soundtrack for a dinner party or an informative podcast for the morning commute.

Privacy and Data Handling

While offering these extensive services, Lauren prioritizes user privacy and data security. The system adheres to strict data protection protocols, ensuring that all interactions, especially those involving sensitive information like location and health data, are handled with the utmost care. Users have control over their data, with clear consent required for any data collection or sharing.

Data collection

The data is collected in real time using a microphone, location tracking, and camera. Based on this data, it tries to determine where, for how long, and why the person is staying, with whom, and who these people are using Lauren (friends, family, strangers). If no identified problem or accident occurs in the given social interaction, the collected data will be permanently deleted within 24 hours.

๐Ÿ“˜ Good to know:

Lauren never collects data without consent. If other people are present in a person's company or audio recording, their data is not stored unless there is a specific search request for it.


Phantom FM public test build: Phantom FM

Last updated