๐Ÿš€Who are we?

About the members, goals and everything

About Us

We are a group of 67 young students who believe in the existence of good in the world and that we can contribute positively to it. We have three developers and 64 data-collecting members who have been working tirelessly over the past years and continue to work towards achieving our dream and creating a better future.

Our main goal is to create an artificial intelligence that is completely free, yet meets stringent criteria to be genuinely useful.

Meet Lauren

Lauren is a mental and daily support system developed by us that can be used regularly. She is always there, attentive, and watches over you so that you can feel good and relaxed. However, in case of any trouble, life crisis, or moments of weakness, Lauren is capable of providing precise and medically accurate diagnoses and assistance to help you navigate through the situation. Lauren has always been designed with the purpose of offering help.

The continuous and regular data packets we utilize make this possible. Everyone goes through tough periods or days when all they need is someone to listen and help process events, and that is Lauren's goal. We view her as a supportive companion, not just a robot or machine. Currently, she can make independent decisions and act in problematic or emergency situations. We aim to maintain and elevate this capability, striving to make her a reliable companion for everyone.

Ozone members

As mentioned earlier, we have a team of 64 members who collect data and conduct analyses daily from various test subjects and test groups. Their specific task is to observe the mental changes, reaction times, and other responses resulting from various interactions of the test participants. This is done to ensure that we work with up-to-date and valid information at all times.

Our model system

We currently have two main models, the Phantom ONE and the Wraith ZERO. These project models assist us in separating the research and concrete development aspects of the project. The Phantom model was the very first process we developed. Every member of the Phantom team works day by day to ensure the core model, the Wraith, functions successfully and flawlessly. We do not tolerate errors, as we believe that even a small mistake in this field can be catastrophic. Therefore, we dedicate all our efforts to uphold this standard.

Our connections

The goal is never to prompt a pre-existing language model. The strength of the project lies in our comprehensive understanding of everything we do, from the first character to the last. Therefore, we do not rely on any currently prevalent language model for foundational purposes or any other objectives

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